on November 25th, 2012 | Filed under Neuigkeiten

Dear students, dear scientists and professors,

About 1.7ka BP there lived a young girl known as Barbara. After refusing marriage and becoming Christian, she was pursued by her father and had to hide in the mountains. Astonishingly, as she stood in front of some cliffs, the strata divided magically, revealing a cave where she could hide… the gem-seeking miners who were working there supported her with food, and in return she protected them from disaster during their dangerous work at the
ancient mining industry. Ever since, earth scientists celebrate and drink in her honour once a year in early December.

We do continue this very tradition, and proudly announce this year’s party in honour of Saint Barbara:

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the BARBARAFEST 2012 will be on Tuesday, the 11th December 2012. Beginning is at 7pm in Golm, Building 27
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Like every year, geophysicists, mineralogists and geologists enter the contest to win the Golden Barbara, known as the hardest-fought statue of whole Golm. (For the contest’s organisation it would be very helpful, if you could send me the names of your three team members before the party’s beginning) Pulsating games, cool music and lots of tasty drinks are waiting just for you!

The theme will be „Star Wars“. You may suitably dress up. If you like to contribute to the buffet, you are invited to bring some ambrosial food, salads or cakes.

We are looking forward to seeing you!
Your FSR Geow!ss


Liebe Professoren, Mitarbeiter und Studierende,

auch dieses Jahr feiern wir wieder das traditionelle BARBARAFEST. Gefeiert wird

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am Dienstag, den 11. Dezember 2012 ab 19.00 Uhr in Haus 27, Golm
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Alle Geophysiker, Mineralogen und Geologen sind herzlich eingeladen, am Wettkampf um die Goldene Barbara – den golmbekannten, heiß umkämpften Wanderpokal, den Oscar der Geowissenschaftler – teilzunehmen! (Um den Wettkampf gut vorbereiten zu können, bitten wir darum, dass sich je drei Teammitglieder vor Beginn des Festes bei uns melden.)

Das diesjährige Motto ist „Star Wars“. Eine passende Verkleidung ist eigentlich ein Muss, und würde uns sehr freuen!

Wir sorgen für gute Musik, Essen und genügend Getränke!! Leckere Beiträge fürs Buffet können alle gerne mitbringen! Wer noch größere Sachen kochen/backen/braten möchte, kann die Kosten erstattet bekommen, muss sich aber vorher bei uns melden!

Bis zum 11. Dezember!
Euer FSR Geow!ss

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